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Chime at CA Realtor Expo

We had an amazing time at last week’s California Realtor Expo! The California Realtor Expo is a real estate event for all real estate professionals to meet, discuss, network and learn about important issues covering a variety of topics from technology to marketing and sales techniques.

Check out this video to catch up on what you missed at the event!

Aside from all of the show floor hustle and bustle, we took a pulse of the trending topics facing real estate today. Here’s what we learned:

1. Social Media is in! Real estate agents are looking for new ways to leverage social media technology in their client outreach strategy. Building connections and relationships through social media is a great marketing boost. Realtor.com speakers weighed in to explain how they were using platforms like Facebook and Instagram to interact with their audiences in real time.

2. Lead Gen Management: Real estate agents need more efficient ways to manage their leads, especially single agents. Most agents currently use painstaking, time consuming methods to keep track of their leads and are spending too much time nurturing leads that may never go anywhere. CRM’s like Chime are changing the game, allowing reps to spend more time focusing on building relationships with qualified leads and boosting overall conversions.

3. Technology Tool Overload: Many agents are experiencing technology system overload, where agents have to manage disparate systems that are not able to communicate with each other. Agents are forced to toggle between calendar tools, website platforms, email marketing tools and excel spreadsheets to complete their daily tasks which in turn becomes counterproductive.

The Chime app is available on the Apple Store and Google Play. Try it out today!

What did you learn at the CA Realtor Expo this week? Share with us on Twitter.

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April Wong represents Appsurdity with a passion for leveraging technology in all industries. For the last 10 years, April has honed her expertise in IoT, smart home tech, consumer electronics and is constantly on the lookout for the next big thing. When she’s not immersed in the world of big data, AI and VR, you can find her running, climbing and riding mountains around the world.