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Chime Unveils Enterprise Platform to Help Brokerages Accelerate Growth

We are thrilled to share news of our new Enterprise Platform designed to help large brokerages accelerate growth and boost agent productivity. Expressly developed to support the complex organizational structure of most brokerages, the platform combines our award winning CRM with best of breed marketing automations, and includes significant customizable features such as a flexible account structure, lead routing options, and permission profiles. Single sign-on capabilities make the platform easy to access and with extensive white label options, our new platform helps customers build brand loyalty.

Check out today’s announcement for more details HERE.

Featuring a flexible account structure to support any organization structure or business model, our Enterprise Platform empowers customers to customize user groups, accounts and permissions schemes to uniquely fit their business. And, with enhanced reporting capabilities, customers can drill down into the platform and gain critical insight into performance to more accurately track and improve agent effectiveness. 

Top-down lead routing capabilities with pre-set rules help to streamline lead ownership, better track where leads originate, and expedite lead engagement. With a single instance of leads reflected in the platform, brokerage owners are empowered to optimize lead generation and distribution, driving more efficient business growth. 

But wait, there’s more!

With easy to use, built-in capabilities to customize settings, customers are empowered to fully brand the platform without the need for additional IT support. Featuring a centralized library of Smart Plans, marketing collateral, and email templates, the Enterprise platform ensures all agents have seamless access to a consistent set of tools to support a cohesive marketing strategy and ensure consistency across teams, offices, and locations.  

By empowering agents with our innovative new platform, forward thinking brokerages are well positioned to attract and retain the strategic, top producing agents needed to effectively grow the business.  Get in touch with our sales team today to learn more about how Chime can help you meet your goals, email: sales@chime.me