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Creating & Distributing Phenomenal Content — Part 5: Tools for Success

If you want to stay ahead of the curve and engage audiences with truly compelling content, you have to be aware of the latest tools and know how to use them. When we talk tools, we’re talking stuff for content creation and the things that help you distribute it. You need to stay on top of the technology used for producing great messages and the best channels for broadcasting your content to the world (or to a narrow sliver of the world you’re targeting).


Since the average reader only spends 37 seconds reading an article or blog post (hey, thanks for sticking around, by the way!), make that time count by using smart formatting (bold, bullet points, line breaks) to make your content more scannable and able to be digested quickly. Make those key points stand out. And use stuff like this:

Want to engage audiences with truly compelling content? You gotta know the latest tools and know how to use them. #phenomenalcontent Click To Tweet


Great tip: Let your audience do some of the work for you. Like the tweet tool above, you need to be sure to make all your content easily shareable through all social media channels! Your brand can’t spread like wildfire if you don’t provide the flame and the wind! (Very meta, huh?)

Speaking of tools, you should stay on top of the latest integrations. For example, you can now use BombBomb to directly record your embedded video messages for emails in your Chime CRM! The best tools can make creating and distributing compelling, top-notch content a breeze.

“The best tool for video is the one you already have. Use your webcam or smartphone. And if you don’t like how you look or sound the first time, get over it. No one does. But the results will validate the effort — and the more videos you record, the better you get.”

— Ethan Beute, VP of Marketing, BombBomb

In a world that’s shrinking due to technology, the communication space is getting crowded. Taking the solid ideas of the past and using today’s and tomorrow’s methods of conveying hot content is not only essential to survival, but the only way to come out ahead. A huge piece of that puzzle is having a smart system for bringing it all together. Chime is the real estate operating system that integrates with your favorite communication tools, from Gmail to Microsoft Exchange to BombBomb and so much more. Schedule a demo today!

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Want to learn more? Get all this and much more in our FREE eBook, Creating & Distributing Phenomenal Content, available here.