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How to Evaluate Your Tech Stack: Featuring Robert Lucido Jr., Lucido Global

If you’re like the more than 40% of agents who reported keeping up with technology is a challenge for 2022, our recent webinar with Lab Coat Agents is for you!  Robert Lucido, Jr., Chief Strategy Officer with Lucido Global, walks through key questions to help evaluate your current technology stack, identify gaps, better maximize current tech investments and/or uncover opportunities to implement new tech tools to amplify your business.

To listen to the entire webinar, “How to Evaluate Your Tech Stack,” visit HERE.

Innovation is happening at breakneck speed for the real estate industry and has proven to be a game changer for firms like Lucido Global and others.  In fact, Chime was instrumental in helping Lucido Global surpass $1B in annual sales this past year.  Learn more HERE.  Despite the rapid evolution and accessibility of real estate technology, historically many agents have perceived technology to be inconvenient or too complicated to navigate.  Robert encourages agents to flip the script, suggesting technology should be viewed as a tool, like any other, designed to improve a process, save time, maximize resources, and create efficiencies.  Oh and by the way, make more money!

While earlier versions of real estate tech solutions were wrought with issues, clunky and hard to navigate, current tools far surpass their predecessors.  Modern real estate technology solutions have been purpose built to improve capacity across your business, automate manual, redundant tasks, eliminate wasted time and resources, effectively enable collaboration and deliver the real time operational insights needed to better manage and grow your business.

As you evaluate your current technology stack, consider the following key questions:

1. What redundant tasks can my technology stack automate and execute at a higher level?

2. Does my platform integrate with IDX, business generation tech & business management platforms?

3. Do I have access to pertinent data in real time to make concerted optimizations and drive efficiencies across personnel and resources?

4. Do I have an effective and consistent database management system?  How much is effectively automated?

5. Do I have complete visibility to my sales funnel to identify and analyze bottlenecks and red/yellow flags?

Take a moment as we begin a new year to reframe your perception of technology. Consider the answers to these questions and how you can optimize your technology stack for the betterment of your business.  Make this year the time when you stop living in fear or avoidance of technology, but consider your CRM, IDX, transaction management system and more as invaluable assets in your toolbox to build a successful long-term business!

Check out our full webinar with Robert HERE.  To learn more about how Chime can help you achieve success, get in touch with our team sales@chime.me.