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New Blog Series – The Essential Building Blocks for Your Business

The start of a new year is a time when many of us set goals and outline our aspirations for the next 365 days. Sometimes however, we bite off more than we can chew!

With that in mind, we are introducing a new blog series for this month focused on the foundational elements of building a successful real estate business. To dream big and aim high it is important to have the right pieces in place as you set out to achieve the very biggest goals. So, let’s take it back to the nuts and bolts.

In this first post let’s talk about your web site. Is it working for you and delivering the leads you truly need?  Read on to learn more about our best practices or check out our webinar with LabCoat Agents as Tristian Ahumada and I discuss what makes your web site such an important tool for business growth.

Building Block #1: Best Practices to Building Your Website

Speed matters. In real estate, there are often two distinct types of web sites: 1) a “vanity” site that centers on the agent’s accolades, years of experience, and market expertise or 2) a site that is focused on lead gen and conversion. Of course, there is value in building your brand, but in today’s increasingly erratic marketplace, a site focused on bolstering your lead conversation is your best chance at achieving your 2021 business goals. For these sites there are two big things to consider 1: load speed (how quickly the page actually loads in a browser as consumers hit your site) and 2. mobile friendliness. These may seem like simplistic elements, but agents need to make it as easy as possible for people to search. Plus, that loading speed helps you rank higher for Google’s algorithm boosting your site to the top of the results page.

Give them a familiar face. Some of your biggest competitors are likely Zillow, Realtor.com, Trulia, and RedFin. For better or worse, consumers are used to a certain web site layout and that includes property search functionality right up front. You definitely want consumers to feel comfortable when they come to your web site; if they have to learn a new experience, they won’t stick around. That said, cookie cutter sites don’t give you enough opportunity to stand out from the crowd. Consider striking a balance between offering some familiarity and separating yourself from others. Working with partners like Chime can help you mirror the most effective web site elements and leverage our user friendly technology to change it up to reflect your brand.

Hone your leads.
Lead capture from your web site is job number one. For the year ahead, how can you improve registration rates? First, we need to remember that not all leads are created equal. What type of lead do you want to work with? Is your web site and your registration page set up to capture these opportunities? If not, make 2021 the year you sharpen your focus on acquiring those leads. Chime offers a customizable lead capture questionnaire that can get information from leads and integrate those details with an intelligent CRM system. Those innovations can help you determine if the lead is right for you and decrease your cost per conversion.

What other best practices for your web site are you considering this year? Drop us a note in the comments. And check out our full webinar here.


By Randy Carroll

Randy Carroll is the Strategic Partner and Channel Manager for Chime.