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Pure Realty Drives Agent Recruitment and Profits with Chime

Every brokerage is under pressure to stand out from the competition to not only close deals but to attract new agents and spur growth. Brokerages of all sizes from across the country are turning to Chime to help them achieve it all and do so quickly. Austin-based Pure Realty is one such example. Within just one year of using the Chime platform, the independent brokerage generated $200,000 in additional profit from online leads alone. Check out  our video to learn more. 

Despite increasing agent demand for technology, CRM adoption rates across the industry are a mere 20%. Pure Realty not only has an adoption rate of 87% among its agents, but boasts an impressive 86% agent retention rate compared to the industry average of just 40 to 50%.

As Pure Realty Director of Operations, Molly McKenna noted, “Our agents that use Chime absolutely love it. In fact, I use Chime as a key selling point in our recruiting calls and materials. The adoption of innovative technology is a huge competitive advantage for us.”

Chime’s easy-to-use and intuitive platform ensures no matter how many years Pure Realty’s agents have been in the business or their level of technical skill, they can easily step in and start using Chime to generate results. To learn more about how Chime is supporting Pure Realty’s rapid growth,  read the full story or check out our video.