Ring in the Sales Podcast Episode 3: Nick Dreher

The latest installment of Ring in the Sales, Chime’s podcast, is now available! We spoke with author, speaker and coach, Nick Dreher about habits successful agents create in their day-to-day business. Here’s a taste:
How long have you been in real estate?
I got started in real estate in 2000. I was in college and trying to figure out how to do something where I didn’t have to work at a desk. I started out in the mortgage arena, and then I got licensed and spent 12 years as a REALTOR® in Minnesota. Now, I’m more involved in industry consulting and coaching.
What was your mindset when you wrote the book Mindset Methods and Metrics?
When we wrote the book, we wanted it to be different from most of the real estate books we’d read. Most books talk about high-producing agents, but don’t really help the average or even above-average producer in markets other than the one the author works in. We really wanted to talk about what it takes to be successful in real estate and how to make a good living in real estate.
Don’t miss this highly useful interview — listen now!