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unCoaching: Systems for Building Brand

by guest blogger Chris Morrison

Because we’re in the height of the digital age, it’s important for any real estate agent who wants to stay relevant — and be successful — to make sure they’re using all of the tech tools at their disposal. Today, being ahead of the tech curve ensures that agents can both offer potential clients the convenience and access they need, and that they can take advantage of the most current and up-to-date learning methods. Real estate agents who eschew the most recent tech tools put themselves at a disadvantage; they’ll eventually be surpassed by agents who’ve learned to use all available resources to their advantage. If you’re thinking, “Why should I be focused on technology right now?” — here are some of the reasons I find most compelling.

Establishing Your Own Brand Recognition

Agents can’t just be agents today. They have to build their own brand and appeal to the potential clients who would be drawn to that brand. Technology allows you, as a real estate agent, to create a personality, aesthetic and niche that people are drawn to. You can create a website, social media channels, and more to establish a brand that will sell.

Getting Guidance to Build Your Brand

If you’re not sure how to build your brand online, technology helps you connect with teachers and coaches who can guide you. Coaches with expert knowledge in specific niches can give you advice about how to shape your identity as an agent and also how you can use available platforms to get the word out about who you are and what you do. Coaching via a process like unCoaching offers agents on-demand access to teachers when they have a lesson they need to learn, and it helps keep the learning process fresh and effective for agents.

Access to Helpful Tools

If you want to be a smart learner as a real estate agent, there are some key tech tools that you should take advantage of. Some of my favorites are Chime, a highly customizable CRM; and GeographicFarm, a tool for targeting direct mail as well as social ads.

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Learn more about unCoaching with Chime’s latest FREE eBook, unCoaching: Shifting the Thought Leadership Paradigm.