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How Real Estate Agents are Using Text Messaging to Convert Leads

Texting a popular tool for both marketers and sales professionals, and with the rise of chat services, text messaging between leads and agents is becoming more prolific. Whereas the phone call is used to establish the first contact with a lead, text messages are great for keeping a lead in the conversation with 98% of leads reading text messages versus 21% who open emails. Text messages can be packaged together into an automated SMS drip campaign to augment your email drips.

The purpose of a text message should be to:

  • Send automated property alerts
  • Update prospects on time-sensitive information
  • Ask clarifying questions once rapport is established
  • Answer questions if a lead is using a chat service

Text messages are best used as a follow-up tool once rapport with a prospect is established. Whereas you should use phone calls to initiate contact and to build trust, text messages will help you fill time-sensitive gaps. You can also create an SMS drip campaign for your warm seller leads by sending them updated market information, including average closing price versus list price and average days on market.

“Texting in the sales process can lead to conversion gains of more than 100%. However, sending text messages before establishing contact with a prospect can adversely affect both contact and conversion rates,” Velocify.

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