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Using Chime to Convert Leads – Insights from Team Tristan & Associates

Our latest and greatest webinar with LabCoat Agents featured members of the Tristian & Associates team discussing how they use Chime as their CRM system to find and nurture the right leads. For this session, LCA’s Tristian Ahumada and our own Randy Carroll were joined by three agents from Team Tristian & Associates – Tiffany, Mark and Zack – who provided insight into their successful practices and offered practical tips for lead nurturing. Check out the full webinar, “Dramatically Increase Your Lead Conversion: A Deep Dive Into the Team Tristan & Associates” for more.

As they walked through the details of how Chime fits into their lead process and the specific features it provides, the agents offered three valuable tips for turning a lead into a sale:

1. Pick up the phone. While studies show nearly 90% of texts are read and responded to, there is no substitute for a live conversation. Texts are convenient and a valuable follow up tool but relying solely on that means of communication forces agents to operate on the potential client’s timetable – whatever that may be.  Picking up the phone and having a live conversation can provide so much more valuable insight and opportunity for every online lead that comes into the Chime system. Leverage texts to garner information and set up a live discussion if a lead can’t be reached on the phone.

2. Set the tone. Once you get a lead live on the phone, the tonality of your voice matters. With Chime, agents can record conversations (and let potential clients know they are being recorded) enabling them to go back and listen to the interaction, adjust any language for future discussions, and improve upon the tone and tenor of the discussion.  Often, even if agents fumble through certain words used in the conversation, the tonality of the overall phone call can more than make up for it!

3. Motivation matters. Taking the time to understand each potential client – where they are in the process, are they preapproved for a mortgage, why are they looking to buy – helps to further qualify if those leads are “contenders or pretenders”. Chime can help match data points within the system to help agents determine the relevance and value of a lead.

Click here for the full webinar recording and to learn how the team uses Chime to make the most of their Google leads.  To see for yourself how Chime can turn your leads into closed deals, request a demo today.