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Your Recruitment Secret Weapon: Easy-to-Use Technology

In this ultra-competitive real estate market, every brokerage is looking to attract top performers and add successful agents to their team. If everyone is going after the best of the best, how can your brokerage gain a competitive edge and stand out? Showcase your ability to embrace new tech tools that can make your agents’ jobs easier.

According to NAR, only 27% of agents strongly agree that their brokerage provides them with all of the technology they need to be successful in their job. To recruit top talent, brokerages need to offer cutting-edge tech tools that are not only cost-effective and proven to drive results, but easy to use. Afterall, technology is only valuable to the organization if your agents adopt and use the tools consistently.

To learn more about how to make technology your secret weapon for recruitment, check out our latest ebook, “How to Leverage Technology to Recruit Top Agents.”

Need more details on how Chime can support your recruitment efforts? Check out our new Active Recruiting module, designed to help growing brokerages continuously identify and manage qualified candidates. Ready to see the product in action? Get in touch and set up a free demo; email us at sales@chimeinc.com.