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Your Social Media Game Plan for 2023

In a recent Real Trends feature on the five technology trends agents need to embrace in 2023, our VP of Industry Development, Stuart Sim, touched on the power of social media and how it can help real estate professionals capture mindshare, build their brand, and gain the trust of potential buyers. You may already know social media is a critical business development tool, but how do you go about making it a power tool for business growth in 2023?

Stuart offered five practical tips you can use right now on a recent webinar with LCA. Read on for the highlights or click here to watch the full episode.

1. Showcase Your Local Knowledge. Listings alone will not build a successful social media channel. While they should be part of the content mix, be sure to incorporate meaningful local content that positions you as a valued resource beyond real estate. For example, offer insight on local events, restaurants, neighborhoods, schools and the like as it encourages people to follow, knowing they will gain the inside scoop. This will not only help build out your sphere of influence but help the community get to know you and build trust over time.

2. Don’t Be Camera Shy! Don’t be afraid to take video of a new listing, an open house, a great new park, or local business. Your followers will appreciate an opportunity to get to know you better and are more likely to then comment, like, and share your posts! Adding a dynamic, personal layer to your social presence helps to differentiate from the status quo and build your local presence more quickly.

3. Let your fans do the talking for you. Capture and share positive testimonies from past clients to help build trust among your target audience. As consumers, we want to hear from people like us so incorporate the client voice across your social channels whenever you can to emphasize the unique value you bring to your clients.

4. Dig into the data. Leverage built-in analytics to help guide your marketing plan. Review to understand not only how many people view your posts but which posts do the best, which content resonates with followers, how long are they spending on your page, where is the highest level of engagement, what time of day performs best, etc? With a clear understanding of which posts work effectively and when, you can better plan for and schedule meaningful posts regularly to maintain a healthy cadence of relevant content.

5. Stay consistent. Once you start on this social media journey you can’t slow down! As you build greater awareness, your followers will come to expect a regular cadence of content and we all know how fickle attention spans can be should your posts start to wane. While this requires dedication, there are valuable tools available to support you in this journey. 

Chime’s Social Studio – a fully automated social media management tool designed specifically for agents – is a great example of how technology can be effective in automating the process and ensuring a regular cadence of content.

To learn more about how we can help power your social media marketing in 2023 contact us at sales@chimeinc.com for a free demo.